Thursday, December 30, 2010

Online Money Making Opportunities


In May of this year, Tomio Geron at the Wall Street Journal summed up the funding story thusly:

Etacts, which completed the Y Combinator incubator program in March, has just closed a $700,000 seed round from prominent angels including Ron Conway's SV Angel; Eric Hahn, former chief technology officer at Netscape; Joshua Schachter, founder of Delicious; Jim Young, co-founder of HotOrNot; Barney Pell and Lorenzo Thione, co-founders of Powerset; Jawed Karim, co-founder of Youtube; Ashton Kutcher, actor and now angel investor; Robby Walker and Wayne Crosby, former Y Combinator participants; and Irene Pedrazza, founder of CheetahMail.

Etacts raised the funding quickly - in just over a month - and had intended to raise $500,000 but decided to let in more investors because of the strong interest, said [Howie] Liu, who co-founded the company with classmate Evan Beard after the two graduated from Duke University last year.

You don't take Ron Conway money and then just give up in six months.

Rapportive raised a small round from other impressive funders 3 months later. Gist raised $4 million in between those two announcements, in July.

Etacts hasn't replied to our request for comment, but an acquisition certainly seems the most likely explanation for the service's decision to shut down.

Email as a Platform

We wrote about email as a platform for application development most recently in August. Yahoo's Eran Hammer-Lahav, then working on developer relations for Yahoo Mail, explained why so many companies are interested in this space.

"It's pretty clear that email provides a huge potential for extensibility, given the wide range of ways people use it. The inbox is much more than just a place for incoming mail, it is the primary dashboard for many web users - it is how they manage their lives. So when looking at email as a platform, the opportunity of making it more useful and productive reaches most areas of online activities.

So far the focus has been on taking social information to help better manage email overflow, but the platform has much more potential beyond that."

What will its likely acquirer do with Etacts? Presumably displaying the social networking profiles and past conversations we've had with the people who sent us emails is just the beginning. How will other email providers respond, lest they fall behind in richness of user experience? That's where things will get really interesting.

Personal Data as a Platform

Perhaps even more interesting is the way that all of these services use data about the people who have sent you email that they have acquired through services like Rapleaf. Services that scoop up and wholesale personal profile data ("the person attached to this email uses this LinkedIn profile, this Twitter profile, owns a home, has kids and loves short videos about kittens") are wildly controversial but also very useful. Nowhere is that usefulness more clearly demonstrated than in the email CRM services like Etacts, Rapportive and Gist.

Perhaps if Etacts' feature-set goes mainstream in some big email program, the story of value built for everyday people (not just marketers) from aggregate online personal data as a development platform would become easier to tell.

That would be very good news.

Ok Go Explains There Are Lots Of Ways To Make Money If You Can Get Fans

from the everything's-possible dept

Over the last few years, we've covered many of the moves by the band Ok Go -- to build up a fanbase often with the help of amazingly viral videos, ditch their major record label (EMI), and explore new business model opportunities. In the last few days, two different members of Ok Go explained a bit more of the band's thinking in two separate places, and both are worth reading. First up, we have Tim Nordwind, who did an interview with Hypebot, where he explained the band's general view on file sharing:

Obviously we'd love for anyone who has our music to buy a copy. But again, we're realistic enough to know that most music can be found online for free. And trying to block people's access to it isn't good for bands or music. If music is going to be free, then musicians will simply have to find alternative methods to make a living in the music business. People are spending money on music, but it's on the technology to play it. They spend hundreds of dollars on Ipods, but then fill it with 80 gigs of free music. That's ok, but it's just a different world now, and bands must learn to adjust.

Elsewhere in the interview, he talks about the importance of making fans happy and how the band realizes that there are lots of different ways to make money, rather than just selling music directly:

Our videos have opened up many more opportunities for us to make the things we want to make, and to chase our best and wildest ideas. Yes, we need to figure out how to make a living in a world where people don't buy music anymore. But really, we've been doing that for the last ten years. Things like licensing, touring, merch, and also now making videos through corporate sponsorship have all allowed us to keep the lights on and continue making music.

Separately, last Friday, Damian Kulash wrote a nice writeup in the Wall Street Journal all about how bands can, should and will make money going forward. In many ways the piece reminds me a bit of my future of music business models post from earlier this year -- and Kulash even uses many of the same examples in his article (Corey Smith, Amanda Palmer, Josh Freese, etc.). It's a really worthwhile read as well. He starts by pointing out that for a little over half a century, the record labels had the world convinced that the "music" industry really was just the "recorded music" industry:

For a decade, analysts have been hyperventilating about the demise of the music industry. But music isn't going away. We're just moving out of the brief period--a flash in history's pan--when an artist could expect to make a living selling records alone. Music is as old as humanity itself, and just as difficult to define. It's an ephemeral, temporal and subjective experience.

For several decades, though, from about World War II until sometime in the last 10 years, the recording industry managed to successfully and profitably pin it down to a stable, if circular, definition: Music was recordings of music. Records not only made it possible for musicians to connect with listeners anywhere, at any time, but offered a discrete package for commoditization. It was the perfect bottling of lightning: A powerful experience could be packaged in plastic and then bought and sold like any other commercial product.

But, he notes, that time is now gone, thanks in large part to the internet. But that doesn't mean the music business is in trouble. Just the business of selling recorded music. But there's lots of things musicians can sell. He highlights Corey Smith and Smith's ability to make millions by giving away his music for free, and then touring. But he also points out that touring isn't for everyone. He covers how corporate licensing has become a bigger and bigger opportunity for bands that are getting popular. While he doesn't highlight the specific economics of it, what he's really talking about is that if your band is big, you can sell your fan's attention -- which is something Ok Go has done successfully by getting corporate sponsorship of their videos. As he notes, the sponsors provide more money than the record labels with many fewer strings:

These days, money coming from a record label often comes with more embedded creative restrictions than the marketing dollars of other industries. A record label typically measures success in number of records sold. Outside sponsors, by contrast, tend to take a broader view of success. The measuring stick could be mentions in the press, traffic to a website, email addresses collected or views of online videos. Artists have meaningful, direct, and emotional access to our fans, and at a time when capturing the public's attention is increasingly difficult for the army of competing marketers, that access is a big asset.


Now when we need funding for a large project, we look for a sponsor. A couple weeks ago, my band held an eight-mile musical street parade through Los Angeles, courtesy of Range Rover. They brought no cars, signage or branding; they just asked that we credit them in the documentation of it. A few weeks earlier, we released a music video made in partnership with Samsung, and in February, one was underwritten by State Farm.

We had complete creative control in the productions. At the end of each clip we thanked the company involved, and genuinely, because we truly are thankful. We got the money we needed to make what we want, our fans enjoyed our videos for free, and our corporate Medicis got what their marketing departments were after: millions of eyes and goodwill from our fans. While most bands struggle to wrestle modest video budgets from labels that see videos as loss leaders, ours wind up making us a profit.

Of course, that only works if you have a big enough fanbase, but that doesn't mean there aren't things that less well known bands can use to make money as well. He talks about an up-and-coming band in LA that doesn't even have a manager that was able make money:

The unsigned and unmanaged Los Angeles band Killola toured last summer and offered deluxe USB packages that included full albums, live recordings and access to two future private online concerts for $40 per piece. Killola grossed $18,000 and wound up in the black for their tour. Mr. Donnelly says, "I can't imagine they'll be ordering their yacht anytime soon, but traditionally bands at that point in their careers aren't even breaking even on tour."

The point, Kulash, notes, is that there's a lot of things a band can sell, focusing on "selling themselves." And, the thing he doesn't mention is that, when you're focusing on selling the overall experience that is "you" as a musician or a band, it's something that can't be freely copied. People can copy the music all they want, but they can't copy you. "You" are a scarce good that can't be "pirated." That's exactly what more and more musicians are figuring out these days, and it's helping to make many more artists profitable. And, no, it doesn't mean that any artist can make money. But it certainly looks like any artist that understands this can do a hell of a lot better than they would have otherwise, if they just relied on the old way of making money in the music business.

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<b>News</b> - Chris Brown Apologizes for Using Gay Slurs on Twitter <b>...</b>

"I love all my gay fans and this immature act is not targeted at you," he says.

Stubborn Joblessness Among Vets Darkens US Economy - AOL <b>News</b>

The newly reported drop in jobless claims belies continued rough going for America's Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, who are experiencing 10 percent unemployment.

Larry Kramer: This Is Why Fox <b>News</b> Continues To Roll

People are getting lazy about forming their own opinions.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Making Money Without

From the diaries by Erick

Investing in math and science is the way to solve the economy. A great idea. And somehow liberals have co-opted it to make it sound like their own.

Today’s Los Angeles Times for instance contains an article entitled, “Fixing the Economy the Scientific Way,” arguing that the federal government must spend more money on math and science education. They point to the fact that over the last 40 years the government’s support of science has declined 60% as a portion of GDP. They then argue that Republicans will only make the problem worse, pointing to their pledge to reduce federal spending on nondefense-related science research to pre-stimulus levels.

There is a lot wrong with this argument. For instance, given that the stimulus was a one-off, emergency spending measure, I’m not sure you can call a return to pre-stimulus investment a “reduction.” If we simply kept all stimulus programs intact forever and ever it would be akin to adding $800 billion to our deficit annually, not exactly a financially or politically sound proposition.

The bigger problem is that liberals’ argument ignores the reason governmental support of science funding has been declining relative to GDP. The problem is that the government over the last four decades has been forced to spend on other things. Our mandatory spending, on such things as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, has been driven upwards, leaving less and less to be spent on discretionary budget items. Moreover it is not going to get better without major changes. The CBO predicts that “federal spending on major mandatory health care programs will grow from roughly 5 percent today to about 10 percent in 2035 and will continue to increase thereafter. “

As the following chart from the Heritage Foundation shows, the increase in costs of entitlements and anti-poverty programs are forcing reductions elsewhere.

If we want to increase our investment and math and science as a pathway to future prosperity we must understand one thing: we are not working with unlimited funds. We can’t simply increase science investment because it is a good idea. A budget requires prioritization. Making math and science a priority means making something else less of a priority.

Sadly, prioritization is even difficult given that our budget is being tyrannized by entitlement spending. Now, and especially in the future, these programs are taking up such a large slice of the budgetary pie that there simply isn’t enough money to pay for core government functions, much less science grants. That is why fiscal conservatism, through principled spending, is the true path toward promoting scientific advancement.

For an example as to why, look no further than Texas. Doing research for this post, I googled “math and science investment” in an attempt to find long term trends in how much the government spent. To my surprise one of the top returns was an article entitled “Perry announces math and science investment.” The Perry the article is referring to is the Republican governor of Texas, Rick Perry. As it turns out, in 2009, right in the heart of the recession, Texas announced it was investing $160 million to expand Texas Science, Technology, Engineering and Math academies. But how!?! After all, Texas doesn’t have an income tax and has one of the nation’s lowest overall tax burdens. Yet through shrewd spending and their ability to attract businesses to the state, Texas has weathered the economic storm better than most, even managing to maintain an $8 billion “rainy day “ fund. This financial flexibility, accomplished by keeping government spending relatively low, is what enabled them to increase their science and math spending in response to a need. The federal government lacks that flexibility.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that solving our economic issues are as simple as giving more money to math and science. It would be a good start and a great investment. But Medicare and Social Security, programs liberals love, are stopping us from doing so.

by Brandon Greife, Political Director of the College Republican National Committee

Wow! He really doesn't want her to get a dime, does he?

As the divorce between Kelsey and Camille Grammer rages on, the actor has reportedly filed documents with the El Lay Superior Court to ensure that she can't access his retirement and various business accounts!

According the legal papers, Grammer has named his various pension plans and businesses - including the Equity League, Screen Actors Guild, ATR Health & Retirement Funds, Producers Pension Plan, Gramnet Inc., and the Directors Guild of America - as claimants in his divorce, which means that the parties won't be able to make any payments without proper notice, or until there is a ruling on the divorce!

The documents explain that there is "an order determining the nature and extent of both employee and non-employee spouse's interest in employee benefits under the plan, an order restraining claimant from making benefit payments to employee spouse pending the determination and disposition of non-employees spouse's interest if any, in employee’s benefits under the plan."

So sad. There's clearly so much bad blood between these two, and we sincerely hope that they can keep it at least somewhat amicable for the sake of their children.

Thoughts?? Team Kelsey or Team Camille?

[Image via WENN.]

Tags: atr health and retirement funds, business, camille grammer, claimant, directors guild of america, divorce, equity league, gramnet inc, kelsey grammer, la county superior court, legal document, pension plan, producers pension plan, protection, sad, screen actors guild

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Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

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Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Great <b>news</b>: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark « Hot Air

Great news: Congress discovers exciting new ways to earmark.

Fox <b>News</b> - Ratings - 2010 | MSNBC - CNN | Mediaite

Fox News will mark 2010 as one of the best years since the network's launch in 1996. The network posted powerful ratings, beating the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC and marking the ninth straight year as cable's top news network.

Brad Friedman and Desi Doyen: Green <b>News</b> Report: December 28, 2010 <b>...</b>

IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): The reactor on your roof: Caltech breakthrough uses solar power to generate liquid fuel; Fmr. Shell president predicts $5-a-gallon gas by 2012; EPA develops neurotoxicants list; Obama admin takes ...

bench craft company scam

Thursday, December 23, 2010

managing your personal finance

Consumerist Budget Spreadsheet Balances Your Money, Encourages Your Nest Egg

The saving-savvy folks at The Consumerist blog have put together a template Excel spreadsheet for managing personal finances. It's the kind of thing you always say you're going to do, but they went ahead and did it for you, and it's free.

It's not a new thing, but Consumerist's budget spreadsheet, crafted during the days the site was one of our blog network brethren, has come back, after being lost to the vagaries of server maintenance. The site has instructions on setting it up, including tips on thinking through your monthly expenses and advice on how much you should plan on socking away for a rainy day, retirement, and other expenses.

Maybe you use Mint or another automated spending/saving tracker instead—but then again, maybe those tools are so automatic that you don't get a good look at your real money situation.

Automate Your Finances to Spend Less Time Managing Your Accounts

Despite how simple the process can be, most of us are terrible at saving and paying bills. Here's a strategy to effectively automate most of your finances to keep you saving and out of late fee trouble.

Ramit Sethi of I Will Teach You To Be has put together a system for managing your personal finances that only takes about an hour of your time each week. The video above fully explains the process in detail, but here's the gist. First, you want to set up your bills and other payments so they're all happening on the day you get your first paycheck of the month (the first of the month for most people). Once you have that in place, you want to set up automatic savings plans (Sethi suggests using Ing Direct) with sub-savings accounts that let you organize your savings into specific categories (vacation, wedding, etc.). You'll also want to send a percentage of your paycheck to your 401k, and have all of this happen immediately so that the money you see when you get paid is the money left when everything has already been saved. From there, you automatically pay as many bills as you can with your credit card (and then pay the credit card bill on pay day). For the bills you can't pay with your credit card (like rent, in most cases), you can use your online banking to automatically issue a check. This will leave a little money leftover in your checking account that you can use to budget for guilt-free spending and cash withdrawals.

As someone who's often fallen victim to the faults of automatic payments systems (despite frequently using them), definitely do not forget to stay on top of your bills nonetheless. Make sure you set some time aside at least once a month to do a little maintenance and make sure there are no bugs causing your automated finance system to break down. Sethi isn't suggesting a set-it-and-forget-it automated finance system by any means, but as someone who hates paying bills I know how easy it can be to procrastinate and ignore the task. If you set up a good automated system like this one, you'll be at a point where all you have to do is watch and fix the occasional problem as the most important things are being taken care of for you.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

New York Daily <b>News</b>: Johnny Damon&#39;s Return To Yankees &#39;Unlikely <b>...</b>

According to Newsday, the Yankees have had "multiple conversations" with Johnny Damon about returning to the Bronx. However, a conflicting report from the NY Daily News labels the potential signing as "unlikely."

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 12/23/10 - Mile High Report

Your daily cup of Orange and Blue Coffee -- Horse Tracks!

Facebook Makes <b>News</b> Feed Filters Available To All

It looks like Facebook has made its revived news feed filters available to all users, after initially made them available selectively last week.

bench craft company scam

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Making Money on Internet

DHS relied on bizarre legal reasoning and crappy evidence to seize "pirate" domains

Techdirt's Mike Masnick enumerates the litany of crappy law, evidence, and assumptions behind the
Department of Homeland Security's decision to seize a group of music-blog and search-engine domains. The
seizures were backed copyright industry lobbyists. The story should scare all of us: if you have a
.com or .net domain, the US government is prepared to censor you on the evidence-free say-so of
a corporate lobbyist from the copyright cartel.

It looks like the four blog/forum sites (RapGodFathers, OnSmash, Dajaz1 and RMX4U) and Torrent-Finder were all lumped together into a single warrant and affidavit. The affidavit was written by a Special Agent with ICE, named Andrew Reynolds, who indicates in the affidavit that he only recently graduated from college (he notes that he's only been on the job for one year, but before that he was a "student trainee with the group"). Much of the affidavit relies heavily on the MPAA. This fits with what ICE assistant deputy director Erik Barnett said soon after the seizures, admitting that they basically just took what sites Hollywood said were a problem and seized them...

...In other words, the "support" that Agent Reynolds provides for why Torrent-Finder's domain should be seized is that he claims that Torrent-Finder's admin linked directly to infringing material. But that's not true. Instead, the admin was simply pointing to a bunch of different news stories. Even worse, some of those news stories highlight why the claims of the MPAA, which Agent Reynolds relies upon, are simply made up -- such as TorrentFreak's story about comic artist Steve Lieber (which was actually based on a Techdirt story about how Steve Lieber embraced the so-called "pirates" and ended up making a lot more money -- we later interviewed Steve about his experiences). The CNET article is all about the COICA law -- which is about the legality of seizures like this one. How is that evidence of probable cause?

Even going beyond the fact that Agent Reynolds can't seem to figure out that a search engine is different than a torrent tracker or a torrent hosting site, he also seems to think that linking to blog posts like the ones we write here is probable cause for criminal behavior. Holy crap! That's just downright scary.

Homeland Security Presents 'Evidence' For Domain Seizures; Proves It Knows Little About The Internet - Or The Law

(via /.)

Here's the problem with funding 2011's government using 2010's budget: When the 2010 budget passed, neither financial regulation nor health-care reform had passed. And so the 2010 budget didn't include the new funds necessary to support their implementation. We're not talking about a lot of money here, of course, but certainly some. And for the health of these bills, it's important money.

But after the collapse of the omnibus spending bill, the Democrats have moved to funding the government using a resolution that simply continues 2010's funding levels. And that means starving some of their signature accomplishments of implementation funds. This hasn't been lost on Republicans, of course: Mitch McConnell's key argument for turning GOP senators who'd pledged to vote for the omnibus was that it included funds for health-care reform. The Democrats, however, seemed less attuned to this dimension of the funding fight. And even those who do see the problem aren't making much noise about it: Though there was lots of tough talk in recent months about how Democrays would risk a government shutdown rather than seeing their accomplishments defunded, that didn't prove true, at least this time.

Top Stories

The Census Bureau will announce which states gained and lost House seats today, reports Charles Babington: "The 2010 census report coming out Tuesday will include a boatload of good political news for Republicans and grim data for Democrats hoping to re-elect President Barack Obama and rebound from last month's devastating elections. The population continues to shift from Democratic-leaning Rust Belt states to Republican-leaning Sun Belt states, a trend the Census Bureau will detail in its once-a-decade report to the president. Political clout shifts, too, because the nation must reapportion the 435 House districts to make them roughly equal in population, based on the latest census figures. The biggest gainer will be Texas, a GOP-dominated state expected to gain up to four new House seats."

The federal funding resolution Congress is considering doesn't include money for the implementation of health-care reform, report Jessica Holzer and Josh Mitchell: "Democrats last week sought $1 billion to expand federal agencies to cope with health-care demands as part of a proposed $1.1 trillion spending bill. That measure died after Senate Republicans closed ranks against it under pressure from conservative activists...Congressional Republicans have said they will try to defund enactment of the health-care law's least popular provisions, particularly Internal Revenue Service efforts to enforce the requirement that most Americans carry health insurance."

Nor for FinReg, reports Pat Garofalo: "The resolution does not include funding for the implementation of the Dodd-Frank financial reform law. Under the omnibus, the Securities and Exchange Commission would have seen its budget increase to $1.3 billion from $1.1 billion, and the CFTC would have gone from $169 million to $286 million. Already, the SEC has halted implementation of a variety of measures under the law as it waits for funding."

The FCC is set to enact "net neutrality" rules, reports Cecilia Kang: "Federal regulators are poised to enact controversial new rules affecting Internet access, marking the government's strongest move yet to ensure that Facebook updates, Google searches and Skype calls reach consumers' homes unimpeded. Under the regulations, companies that carry the Internet into American homes would not be allowed to block Web sites that offer rival services, nor would they be permitted to play favorites by dividing delivery of Internet content into fast and slow lanes. The rules are set to win passage in a vote Tuesday by the Federal Communications Commission, after a majority of the panel's five members said they planned to vote in favor of the measure."

Got tips, additions, or comments? E-mail me.

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Surf-rock interlude: Surfer Blood plays "Twin Peaks".

Still to come: Regulators are taking aim at executive pay; Mark Warner and Saxby Chambliss will push a deficit-reduction package; Bill Gates and Randi Weingarten talk education reform; and an infant learns to drive.


Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) will introduce a debt reduction package in the next Congress, reports Heidi Przybyla: "Senators Mark Warner and Saxby Chambliss will seek to put the U.S. debt atop the agenda early in next year's Congress by proposing legislation to slash government spending, reduce popular tax breaks and trim entitlement programs. Warner, a Virginia Democrat, and Chambliss, a Georgia Republican, have been working over the past six months to court a group of 25 senators from both sides of the political aisle in hopes of gathering support for their bill, Warner said today in an interview. The legislation is based on a plan by the co-chairs of President Barack Obama's debt-reduction panel that earlier this month failed to get enough support for its recommendations to be sent to Congress."

The US is considering a crackdown on Wall Street executive pay, report Aaron Lucchetti and Sara Schaefer Munoz: "U.S. regulators are considering whether to require large financial firms to hold onto a chunk of executive pay to discourage the excessive risk-taking that contributed to the financial crisis, according to people familiar with the situation...The discussions by the Federal Reserve, Securities and Exchange Commission and other federal banking agencies are the result of a provision in the Dodd-Frank financial-overhaul law that instructs regulators to prohibit any bonus plan that "encourages inappropriate risks" at financial firms with more than $1 billion in assets."

The Fed is limiting its purchases of Treasury assets:

The tax compromise provides a preview of new OMB director Jack Lew's style, reports Jackie Calmes: "While the deal drew fire from both parties, liberal Democrats were especially enraged by a two-year extension of Bush-era tax cuts for high incomes and wealthy estates and a reduction in payroll taxes for Social Security. In private caucuses, some turned their anger at the White House on Mr. Lew. 'This is not a package we could have supported if it didn’t take care of the workers who are most vulnerable,' Mr. Lew said in an interview, echoing the pitch he made to Democrats in private...With both Mr. Obama and Republicans vowing to bring down annual deficits swelling the nation’s debt -- in very different ways -- Mr. Lew becomes an even more crucial figure in the cabinet than budget directors typically are."

Public respect for government workers is on the wane, report Karen Tumulty and Ed O'Keefe: "Three-quarters of those who were surveyed in an October Washington Post poll said they believe federal workers get better pay and benefits than people doing similar jobs outside the government, and 52 percent said government employees are overpaid. When the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll this month sampled public opinion on the major proposals that were put forward by the president's deficit and debt reduction commission, the most popular by far - and the only one deemed 'totally acceptable' by a majority of respondents - was freezing the salaries of federal employees and members of Congress for three years."

The St. Louis Fed president calls quantitative easing "moderately successful" so far:

The spending package's March expiration date won't make raising the debt ceiling easier, writes Stan Collender: "Because the existing debt ceiling currently is assumed to be reached close to the same date the the CR will expire, won't the two issues be combined into a single piece of legislation?...Combining the two issues would certainly be possible and perhaps even likely in a rational world where efficiency is the goal. But in the hyper political and partisan world that will exist in Washington next year, will it really make any sense for the GOP voluntarily to give up one of what it will believe will be its two major points of leverage over the White House? Even if the two need to be dealt with at close to the same time, why would the GOP not use both opportunities to exert influence that it otherwise won't have?"

Tom Coburn's "Wastebook" is misleading, writes Brad Plumer:

Adorable infant acquiring life skills interlude: A Russian baby learns to drive.

Health Care

Sen. Tom Coburn is blocking a bill to provide health care to 9/11 first responders:

The Justice Department is suing Blue Cross Blue Shield on antitrust grounds, reports Reed Abelson: "When the Justice Department filed an antitrust lawsuit against Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan in October, the unusual action was widely seen as a warning shot to dominant health insurance carriers in many other states...The case is viewed as a test for the Obama administration’s introduction of the federal health care law, which is aimed at spurring competition and driving down costs. About half the states in the country, including Alabama, Rhode Island and Iowa, share circumstances similar to Michigan’s, in their relationships with a big single insurance carrier."

Domestic Policy

The spending bill Congress is considering will implement a federal pay freeze, reports Stephen Ohlemacher: "Federal workers would face a two-year pay freeze under a spending bill Congress will take up this week to keep the government operating through March 4. The bill would protect student Pell grants, veteran's benefits and a program that helps low-income families pay their heating bills. A small business loan program would be extended...Three weeks ago, President Barack Obama proposed a two-year salary freeze for some 2 million federal workers, seizing on an initiative popular among Republicans. Public employee unions are lobbying lawmakers to reject the pay freeze."

State attorneys general are going to war with Google over privacy concerns, reports Tony Romm: "More legal wrangling could be in store for Google now that it has refused to turn over to state investigators the e-mails and other data it accidentally collected while mapping neighborhoods. The Mountain View, Calif.-based company declined to deliver that trove of information to Connecticut Attorney General and soon-to-be senator Richard Blumenthal by his Friday deadline. That could set up a legal showdown between the two less than a month before Blumenthal is set to become his state’s newest Democratic senator."

Bill Gates and Randi Weingarten discuss school reform:

The tax compromise will not affect the Social Security trust fund, writes Allan Sloan: "Next year, as you probably know, workers subject to Social Security taxes will pay only 4.2 percent of their "covered wages" -wages up to $106,800 - rather than the normal 6.2 percent. This will reduce Social Security's cash proceeds by $112 billion, according to Congress' Joint Committee on Taxation. What impact will this cash shortfall have on the Social Security trust fund? None. Zero. Zip. How can a $112 billion cut in Social Security revenues not affect the trust fund? Because Treasury will give the trust fund the same amount of bonds it would have gotten had the two-percentage-point tax holiday didn't exist."

Modest proposal interlude: Craig Rowin would like someone to give him $1 million.


Republicans may actually defend spending on renewable energy, reports Sharon Begley: "This region--Texas, Oklahoma, and on up to the Dakotas--is to wind power what Nebraska is to corn. The investment tax credit for building wind and other renewable installations expires Dec. 31. Once it does, those projects will come to a halt, and thousands of people who are employed in building them will be out of work. Those workers, of course, are the constituents of newly elected officials, the companies behind the projects are crucial economic engines in the districts and states of those legislators, and both are going to give their reps an earful if the projects don’t resume."

The EPA is touting the success of cap and trade in fighting acid rain:

Closing credits: Wonkbook is compiled and produced with help from Dylan Matthews, Mike Shepard, and Michelle Williams.

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Ben Sherwood - ABC <b>News</b> | Attack Video | Mediaite

If a video posted to Vimeo is to be believed, there are some insiders at ABC News who don't really care very much for newly-named boss Ben Sherwood, described in the video as the Draco Malfoy of Broadcast News. The video--essentially a ...

Julian Assange | Sarah Palin | Fox <b>News</b> | Mike Huckabee | Mediaite

In an exclusive interview with Cenk Uygur on MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan Show, Julian Assange described criticism in Washington and elsewhere of WikiLeaks as nothing short of attacks on journalism and the first amendment.

WarioWare D.I.Y. games cover 2010 <b>news</b> | Joystiq

British mag NGamer put together a clever 2010 "year in review" of mainstream news using WarioWare DIY. Some of the referenced incidents may be obvious internationally, while others are quite UK specific, so we made a list of the ...

bench craft company scam

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Making Money Cash

The next few years in the mobile industry are going to be interesting not only because Google and Apple are competing with each other at making the most advanced mobile operating system, or because Nokia, for the first time in their 145 year old corporate history, have a non-Finnish citizen running the ship, but because the fundamental way we interact with each other and the world around us is going to change thanks to near field communication.

Man used to carry cash until roughly 50 years ago when the first credit card with a magnetic stripe was released. It brought about a huge change in people’s spending habits, not only because they could actually borrow money and pay it back at a later point in time, but because the visual artifact of slips of paper and coins was removed from our understanding of how money really works and how much it’s actually worth. Now, with the recent announcement of Isis, a collaboration between Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile aimed at making your mobile phone the only thing you need to take with you when leaving you home, the world is set to change yet again.

How does that make Visa, one of the ancestors of plastic cash, feel about their role in the future of the daily transactions that make our world economy go round and round? I’m not going to copy and paste the entire article, which I recommend you read, but here is the main argument:

“It might be easy to build an iPhone app that lets you enter in the phone number of a co-worker you want to pay back for lunch, a common promise in the new mobile-payments world. But then someone has to do the intricate behind-the-scenes data processing that makes sure the card isn’t stolen, the people involved aren’t scammers, the payer’s account has the necessary funds and the actual money transfer happens quickly and without a glitch.”

They’re on the defensive, citing their experience with handling mobile payments, but just like Visa killed cashed half a century ago, maybe the little NFC chip inside your next smartphone will the beginning of something new and exciting?

[Via: NFC World]

This post is a little self-indulgent, as I know not many of you had the pleasure and pain of being a Helio subscriber but if you were in that elite group, you may be eligible for some cash from a class-action lawsuit regarding early-termination fees.

As with most class-action lawsuit endings, the lawyers are the ones making the most money, as users will likely not get much more than $5 or $10. The legal action claims Helio was unlawfully charging users extra on the ETF, even though this was supposed to be reduced by $5 a month after a certain period.

I remember Helio and that amazing dual-sliding Ocean handset quite fondly but the fees were way too high for the demographic it was targeting. The nail in the coffin was the release of the Apple iPhone a few months after the Ocean, as this provided a better overall experience (except for 3G) for about the same price on a better network.

By the time Helio was sold for pennies on the dollar to Virgin, I was already fed up and moved on to another winner, the BlackBerry Storm. I didn’t pay my ETF right away but did immediately when contacted by a third-party collector. If that situation is similar to yours, then you may be entitled to some money.

According to the Termination fee settlement website:

If you paid a flat rate Early Termination Fee to a third party, such as a debt collector, you are also entitled to a refund equal to the difference described above. You must submit proof of payment (a receipt, a credit card statement, or other proof) to the Settlement Administrator.

If you don’t appear in Helio’s records and have no proof of payment, or if you paid a third-party debt collector and have no proof, or if you simply were charged the Early Termination Fee but refused to pay it, or if you were never charged the Early Termination Fee but swear under oath that you stayed with Helio due to the Early Termination Fee, you are entitled to $10

Any other Helio users out there?

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Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

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Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...

bench craft company scam

Small Business <b>News</b>: The Business Of Social Media

Are you in the business of social media? If you are involved in almost any business today you really should be or at least you should have a social media.

Shep Smith: Based On Today&#39;s Fox <b>News</b> Guests Obama May Not Get The <b>...</b>

Based on today's Fox News lineup Shep Smith is concerned Obama won't get the compromise his is expecting following this week's tax deal. From Shep: One of the things the President emphasized yesterday is, we've compromised here and now ...

Fox <b>News</b> Reporter Warns: The Terrorists Are Watching Us Debate Taxes

Fox News White House correspondent James Rosen detailed the terrorism implications of a tax-cut debate last night, insisting that President Obama's jumbled "negotiate with hostage-takers" metaphor during yesterday's press conference ...