Thursday, February 17, 2011

Making Easy Money

Coming to a station near you any time soon?Photo: Tim GilliamPresident Obama doesn't seem
like he's going to let this high-speed rail thing go, making it a centerpiece
of the infrastructure section of his State of the Union Address last night:

Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80 percent of Americans
access to high-speed rail. This could allow you to go places in half the time
it takes to travel by car. For some trips, it will be faster than flying --
without the pat-down. As we speak, routes in California and the Midwest are
already underway.

Sounds great, if you're a
high-speed rail fan. But last fall's midterm elections exposed GOP opposition
to Obama's plan to bring fast train service to all regions of the country. As a
gubernatorial candidate, Republican Scott Walker of Wisconsin made opposition
to a Milwaukee-Madison high-speed route a centerpiece of his campaign. After he
was elected, he
handed the feds back $810 million that would have funded the line, on the
grounds that it would be too expensive for the state to run. It was a move
echoed by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's rejection of funds for a regular-speed
rail tunnel under the Hudson River (Christie is fighting hard not to repay money the feds already spent on that project).

And in California, which
ended up getting some of that Wisconsin money, there's been controversy over the first phase of the state's own HSR project, with detractors calling it "a train to
nowhere" and farm communities worried about the impact on available land.

So it's notable that Obama
doesn't seem to be backing down from his push to make HSR part of his legacy.
That 80 percent figure is pretty aggressive.

The president also hammered
away at the need for the need to continue upgrading and repairing the
transportation infrastructure we already have:

over the last two years, we've begun rebuilding for the 21st century, a project
that has meant thousands of good jobs for the hard-hit construction industry.
And tonight, I'm proposing that we redouble those efforts.

put more Americans to work repairing crumbling roads and bridges. We'll make
sure this is fully paid for, attract private investment, and pick projects
based [on] what's best for the economy, not politicians.

stance was cheered by Transportation for
America (T4A) a coalition group calling for a reform of the nation's
transportation system. At the same time, the group's statement also acknowledges the difficulty of
getting projects funded. From the statement released by T4A's executive director, James Corless, today:

We were thrilled to hear the President come right
out and say that investment in transportation and other infrastructure is
central to rebuilding and growing our economy. An upfront investment in the
most-needed, clean transportation projects is a great opportunity to create
near-term jobs and lay the groundwork for the future economy.

He acknowledged that money will be tight and we
have to make the best of use it. That requires fixing the 20th century
infrastructure -- our crumbling roads and bridges -- as we build out the
infrastructure for the 21st. That certainly includes
high-speed rail, but it also means helping communities get moving on
long-planned networks of light rail, street cars, rapid buses, and making
progress on road reconstruction to make our streets safer people walking,
biking and driving.

The President's vision for infrastructure is not just about
near-term construction jobs. It is, as he said, about growing new businesses,
livable neighborhoods and dynamic regions that can attract a young and mobile
workforce and compete with our international competitors. It's about the jobs
associated with new transportation technologies
and manufacturing modern transit vehicles, everything from real time
information systems to make our highways and transit corridors smarter, to the
new rail cars being built today by United Streetcar in Oregon that can breathe
new life into our cities and suburbs.

T4A's Equity Caucus, which focuses on
the needs of poor, working-class, and minority Americans, had this to say:

[O]ur inadequate, outdated,
and underfunded transportation systems are keeping too many struggling
Americans -- young and old, rural and urban -- from fully connecting and
contributing to the national economy.

 Millions of Americans
rely exclusively on public transit, walking, or biking to get to work, to the
doctor's office, to school, and to the grocery store. Nearly 20 percent of
African American households, 14 percent of Latino households, and 13 percent of
Asian households live without a car. Fifteen percent of Native Americans must
travel more than 100 miles to access basic services.

 Smarter transportation
investments can unleash the under-realized economic power of communities across

All this comes in the context
of a transportation reauthorization bill that has been stalled for the past year and a
half in Congress -- and that was when the Democrats controlled both the House and the
Senate. With Republicans now in control of the House, things are bound to get more complicated. Rep. John Mica (R-Fla.), the new Republican chair of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in the House, had this to say about the president's call for more infrastructure spending (via Transportation Nation):

After the Administration derailed a major six-year transportation
bill in 2009, it is encouraging that they are now on board with getting
infrastructure projects and jobs moving again. However, just another
proposal to spend more of the taxpayers’ money, when we have billions of
dollars sitting idle tied up in government red tape, will never get our
economic car out of the ditch.

We’ve got to do more with less to improve our infrastructure in a fiscally responsible manner.

Central to all future
discussion about infrastructure enhancement and repair will be the question of
money. With lawmakers avowedly against raising the gas tax, finding the cash to
build new systems -- or to stop the proverbial crumbling of the old ones -- is
going to be the biggest problem.

Thought the ZH famiglia would enjoy this comment from my old friend Sol Sanders, who has been watching China long enough to actually remember Mao. I read Chinese history as an undergrad and worked as a banker in the semi cap equipment market, which is now dominated by Asian nations.  But the export market that China and its neighbors depend upon has never come back.  Is China the next Egypt?  A version of this column is scheduled for publication in The Washington Times, Monday, Feb. 14, 2011.  -- Chris

Follow the Money No. 53:  Rolling the dice in China

By Sol Sanders <>

When scientists get further along with epigenetics, they may discover the Chinese have two unique DNA: a gambling gene, and another for hospitality. The first, of course, explains why Macau is odds-on favorite for replacing Vegas as No. 1 world gambling champion. The second suggests why few escape the lure of a Chinese campaign to win visitors’ hearts and minds.

Looking at a new determined shift in Beijing’s economic strategy, one has to chalk it up to that gambling gene. Intoxicated with turning into “the world’s factory”, Beijing plans to sail right past their successful collaborative development with foreign multinationals. Its new strategy literally amends Maximal Leader Deng Hsiao-ping’s dying instructions two decades ago to hide their capacities until they had achieved his four modernizations.

One can only chalk up Western businessmen naiveté to that second suspected Chinese gene, the ability to vamp any visitor. Of course, Frederick Engels, Karl Marx’s more literary companion, explained it all more than a century ago. He foresaw that on the way to the gallows, the capitalists’ greed would drive them to compete with one another to sell the rope to their executioners.

From mid-summer last year Chinese authorities – as a muddled but highly informative U.S. Chamber of Commerce report concludes – shifted from defense to offense. Years of studying their acknowledged total dependence on foreign technology has culminated in proposing 16 new megaprojects. With them they aim:

1] To provide new opportunities for stealing foreign technology. Now, before any technology can be introduced into China, it must be intensely “studied” -- in fact, stolen even before it enters the market. Another is increased allocation of “patents” to Chinese firms with virtually no verification, making it virtually impossible to pursue legal indemnification for losses.

2] To restore the primacy of the SOEs, the state-owned enterprises, those giant behemoths notorious for their inefficiency and corruption but powerful political entities. Massive funds [$25 billion] -- out of the huge 2008 stimulus package, originally aimed at warding off contagion from the world financial crisis – have been allocated to the SOEs to produce “indigenous innovation”

3] To continue to ensnare foreign companies, Beijing will suggest in return for continued tech transfers, they will get a share of the growing Chinese markets. They will also be offered participation in new technologies in China using government funds. But increasingly “import substitution”, that protectionist policy which crippled much of the third world before “globalization” became fashionable, is government policy.

Beijing’s new turn is loaded with risk. The history of Chinese innovation during the current boom is miserable. Eighty percent of China’s major firms do not have R&D at all.  One reason may be it has been so easy to rent or steal needed foreign technologies. But there may be even more important – if difficult to evaluate – cultural factors.

Although China was historically leader in basic scientific development, simply said, the Europeans picked up on those breakthroughs to initiate the industrial revolution leaving China behind. Why? The answer to this question is perennial among scholars. One answer lies in China’s intense bureaucratization, in part arising from the need for huge collective enterprises – largely for water control. Another, of course, is Chinese learning has always put the emphasis on rote memorization and an inordinate, even religious, respect and adherence to what has gone before. It may be no accident, as the Communists used to say, now bereft of its Marxist-Leninist-Maoist dogma Beijing is turning back to Confucianism. [A statue of Confucius was recently installed in Tien An Mien square alongside a huge portrait of his greatest adversary, Mao Tse-tung.] With its emphasis on ritual, Confucianism represents the antithesis to the restless European [Greek] mind. An even greater threat to the new effort to produce originality may be the all pervasive corruption permeating Chinese life today which means vast sums promised R&D will go astray.

China is also taking other risks. Despite an intense campaign, Beijing has not been able to lure home more than a few prominent scholars among more than 62,000 Chinese in the U.S., many in technological research. With ties in both cultures, they have been critical to transferring technology. The new Beijing strategy may jeopardize that relationship as American business, reluctantly, and the U.S. government becomes increasingly cautious about China deals.

True, economic development in East Asia was always full of warfare over intellectual property. Japan, Taiwan and South Korea have been major culprits. But the Chinese pour salt in the wound by offering products overseas based on stolen technology. Thus California’s former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was talking to the Chinese about proposed federally subsidized high-speed rail based on their theft from three foreign companies that had cooperated in creating them in China. At the moment, Washington is grappling with the proposed purchase by Huawei, a Chinese entity with military connections, of an American IT company with the Pentagon as a client.

Beijing’s gamble if successful would insure continued giant leaps forward but like Mao’s infamous economic plays, this one could prove catastrophic.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/17 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. Once more we've gather the latest Kansas City Chiefs news from across the internet (and there wasn't much today). Read on.

Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Drunk Dialing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Drunk Dialing FAIL.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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Newly 25-year-old Lauren Conrad has spent much of the last few months being trailed by cameras for her next reality project with MTV. Unfortunately, it was confirmed by EW today that the network is not going ahead with the project. MTV's Head of Programming David Janollari commented on the cancellation and said, "We decided not to go ahead with the show. She did do a pilot. There were talks about whether we could somehow manage to put together a special based on that footage but that's also a big question mark based on her interest in that and the finances. We love her! We would love her on our network!" It seems as though they're open to a collaboration in the future, but for now, fans will have to get their LC fix through fashion and books.

Lauren released a statement about the news saying, "We sold a show to MTV, filmed it and are really proud of the final result. MTV felt the subject matter was too high brow for their audience and offered me the opportunity to change the show by incorporating more of my personal life. We agreed going into the project that this show would be an aspirational one, focusing on my career and my goals and not my personal relationships. We delivered the show that we sold and are sorry MTV didn't feel their viewers were savvy enough to appreciate it."

So, tell us — are you sad Lauren's reality series isn't happening?

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

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Michelle Malkin » CBS <b>News</b> reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted <b>...</b>

CBS News reporter Lara Logan sexually assaulted, beaten in Cairo; Update: Unhinged NYU fellow attacks Logan as “war-monger”

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Iowa GOP, Fox <b>News</b> set presidential debate for week before Iowa <b>...</b>

The Republican Party of Iowa and Fox News Channel announced details Tuesday for a presidential debate scheduled for the week before the Iowa Caucuses. While no specific date is given, the caucuses are scheduled for Feb. 6, 2012. ...

Friday, February 11, 2011

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Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

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Read our Xbox 360 news of DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect.

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Make Money Online | Home Business | Work From Home by thenyouwin

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect.

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect.

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect.

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Make Money Online | Home Business | Work From Home by thenyouwin

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Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/11/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

Yahoo Unveils &#39;Livestand&#39; Tablet Newsstand And &#39;Personalized <b>News</b> <b>...</b>

As an example, he showed off how Surfer magazine, which opens with a large box at the top and three smaller modules below, which resembles Flipboard and many other tablet news readers. The primary difference appears to be the breadth of ...

DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 <b>...</b>

Read our Xbox 360 news of DiRT 3 dev unconvinced by Kinect.

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5. No Money- Sure, we all see and hear about those who do not have money that succeed however this is simply not true. It may not take the same amount of money to run a brick and mortar business but you will need money for hosting, auto responders, PPC campaigns and other recurring costs. You may be able to get away with needing $500 -$1000 dollars per month until your efforts are producing money to cover these costs (with the eventuality of profit). You may be able to get started for as little as $100 dollars which would give you the ability for a simple web page for sales and an auto responder, who knows if done right you may turn a quick profit.

6 Targeted Traffic- It is important to have a steady stream of people hitting your website in order for you to make money online. By targeting the service or product toward the people that are looking or would best need the service or product will greatly increase profitability. Promo articles posted on specific directories, web 2.0 networking and connecting via message boards with people are great ways to find targeted traffic. Writing articles will allow for backlinks to you web pages, web 2.0 will allow you to network quite easily and free and message boards are a great way to connect to individuals that are potentially looking for your product or service.

There are other reasons that you are not making money online, but for those that are looking to generate extra money to a full time income from online activities then these 6 reason are important to work on.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making Money

To celebrate 10.Deep’s latest mixtape, Highsnobiety TV has produced a mini-series on Money Making Jam Boys. Check out the trailer above and stay with us as we go deeper in the coming weeks.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the mixtape yet, be sure to check it out here.

Directed by Kellen Dengler for Highsnobiety.

Related posts:
» 10.Deep x Money Making Jam Boys “The Prestige” Mixtape» Billionaire Boys Club “Deep Space” Backpack» Video: Wu-Tang Revealed Trailer – The Documentary by The GZA» 10.Deep Holiday 2010 Collection Lookbook» Tron Legacy – New Trailer

While D.J. Caruso's career started off slow, movies like Two For The Money and Taking Lives never blowing up at the box office, the director has been experiencing a surge in recent years, with both Disturbia and Eagle Eye making bank in theaters, coming up with $80 million and $101 million domestic scores respectively. As a result, Caruso has had a bunch of titles attached to his name in recent years and he was more than happy to talk about them with me this afternoon.

Sitting down with the director one-on-one at the junket for his newest film, I Am Number Four , I took the opportunity to ask about the progress of four potential future projects. These titles include The Defenders, The Art of Making Money, Y: The Last Man and a possible sequel to his latest.

Rumored since June of 2009, The Defenders is the based on an idea from actor Masi Oka about players of an MMORPG game who are all drawn together for a real-life adventure. According to Caruso, he won't be directing the film, but will be producing. Marti Noxon, who used to write for Buffy The Vampire Slayer and was one of the co-writers of I Am Number Four, is currently writing the script.

Next up, The Art of Making Money, a story that surfaced in October 2009, would star Chris Pine in a true story drama about Art Williams, a Chicago counterfeiter. Sadly, it may be a while until we still this one come to fruition due to Pine's huge number of other commitments. "The problem, and Chris is not a problem," Caruso said, "Chris has to do the Jack Ryan before he does Star Trek, so all of a sudden Chris Pine is going to be off the market." The director says that they are also still working on the script, so it will still be a while.

Sadly, the news about Caruso's adaptation of the much beloved Y: The Last Man isn't positive either. The oldest of Caruso's proposed projects, having been on his radar since July 2007, the director is sad to say that the project, for him, "is pretty much dead." Said Caruso, "I got where I did as far as I did with New Line and Warners. It�s just, unfortunately, not going to work out."

Lastly is the potential for a sequel to his newest film. Based on a series of books by James Frey and Jobie Hughes, the second novel of the six book series, The Power of Six, is currently being written, but whether or not there's a film adaptation depends entirely on the audience. When asked if he could see himself returning for a sequel, Caruso said,

"Yeah, definitely. I think if the audience enjoys the movie and they respond the way we hope they respond, have as much fun seeing it as we did making it, then I would definitely come back. For sure."

I Am Number Four will be released on February 18. For more about the film head on over to our Blend Film Database.

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Obama to Push for Less Restrictive Trade with Russia; Expedited <b>...</b>

Fox News has learned that President Obama will call on Congress to support a permanent normal trade relations status with Russia and that his U.S. trade ambassador will tell Congress Wednesday the White House will intensify efforts this ...

Fox <b>News</b> Calls Bulletstorm the Worst Videogame in the World

Fox News pundit claims that "increase in rapes" is due largely to videogames.

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

bench craft company

To celebrate 10.Deep’s latest mixtape, Highsnobiety TV has produced a mini-series on Money Making Jam Boys. Check out the trailer above and stay with us as we go deeper in the coming weeks.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the mixtape yet, be sure to check it out here.

Directed by Kellen Dengler for Highsnobiety.

Related posts:
» 10.Deep x Money Making Jam Boys “The Prestige” Mixtape» Billionaire Boys Club “Deep Space” Backpack» Video: Wu-Tang Revealed Trailer – The Documentary by The GZA» 10.Deep Holiday 2010 Collection Lookbook» Tron Legacy – New Trailer

While D.J. Caruso's career started off slow, movies like Two For The Money and Taking Lives never blowing up at the box office, the director has been experiencing a surge in recent years, with both Disturbia and Eagle Eye making bank in theaters, coming up with $80 million and $101 million domestic scores respectively. As a result, Caruso has had a bunch of titles attached to his name in recent years and he was more than happy to talk about them with me this afternoon.

Sitting down with the director one-on-one at the junket for his newest film, I Am Number Four , I took the opportunity to ask about the progress of four potential future projects. These titles include The Defenders, The Art of Making Money, Y: The Last Man and a possible sequel to his latest.

Rumored since June of 2009, The Defenders is the based on an idea from actor Masi Oka about players of an MMORPG game who are all drawn together for a real-life adventure. According to Caruso, he won't be directing the film, but will be producing. Marti Noxon, who used to write for Buffy The Vampire Slayer and was one of the co-writers of I Am Number Four, is currently writing the script.

Next up, The Art of Making Money, a story that surfaced in October 2009, would star Chris Pine in a true story drama about Art Williams, a Chicago counterfeiter. Sadly, it may be a while until we still this one come to fruition due to Pine's huge number of other commitments. "The problem, and Chris is not a problem," Caruso said, "Chris has to do the Jack Ryan before he does Star Trek, so all of a sudden Chris Pine is going to be off the market." The director says that they are also still working on the script, so it will still be a while.

Sadly, the news about Caruso's adaptation of the much beloved Y: The Last Man isn't positive either. The oldest of Caruso's proposed projects, having been on his radar since July 2007, the director is sad to say that the project, for him, "is pretty much dead." Said Caruso, "I got where I did as far as I did with New Line and Warners. It�s just, unfortunately, not going to work out."

Lastly is the potential for a sequel to his newest film. Based on a series of books by James Frey and Jobie Hughes, the second novel of the six book series, The Power of Six, is currently being written, but whether or not there's a film adaptation depends entirely on the audience. When asked if he could see himself returning for a sequel, Caruso said,

"Yeah, definitely. I think if the audience enjoys the movie and they respond the way we hope they respond, have as much fun seeing it as we did making it, then I would definitely come back. For sure."

I Am Number Four will be released on February 18. For more about the film head on over to our Blend Film Database.

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Obama to Push for Less Restrictive Trade with Russia; Expedited <b>...</b>

Fox News has learned that President Obama will call on Congress to support a permanent normal trade relations status with Russia and that his U.S. trade ambassador will tell Congress Wednesday the White House will intensify efforts this ...

Fox <b>News</b> Calls Bulletstorm the Worst Videogame in the World

Fox News pundit claims that "increase in rapes" is due largely to videogames.

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

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It almost makes me want to spend £9.50 in Waterstones by skittledog

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Obama to Push for Less Restrictive Trade with Russia; Expedited <b>...</b>

Fox News has learned that President Obama will call on Congress to support a permanent normal trade relations status with Russia and that his U.S. trade ambassador will tell Congress Wednesday the White House will intensify efforts this ...

Fox <b>News</b> Calls Bulletstorm the Worst Videogame in the World

Fox News pundit claims that "increase in rapes" is due largely to videogames.

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

bench craft company

To celebrate 10.Deep’s latest mixtape, Highsnobiety TV has produced a mini-series on Money Making Jam Boys. Check out the trailer above and stay with us as we go deeper in the coming weeks.

If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the mixtape yet, be sure to check it out here.

Directed by Kellen Dengler for Highsnobiety.

Related posts:
» 10.Deep x Money Making Jam Boys “The Prestige” Mixtape» Billionaire Boys Club “Deep Space” Backpack» Video: Wu-Tang Revealed Trailer – The Documentary by The GZA» 10.Deep Holiday 2010 Collection Lookbook» Tron Legacy – New Trailer

While D.J. Caruso's career started off slow, movies like Two For The Money and Taking Lives never blowing up at the box office, the director has been experiencing a surge in recent years, with both Disturbia and Eagle Eye making bank in theaters, coming up with $80 million and $101 million domestic scores respectively. As a result, Caruso has had a bunch of titles attached to his name in recent years and he was more than happy to talk about them with me this afternoon.

Sitting down with the director one-on-one at the junket for his newest film, I Am Number Four , I took the opportunity to ask about the progress of four potential future projects. These titles include The Defenders, The Art of Making Money, Y: The Last Man and a possible sequel to his latest.

Rumored since June of 2009, The Defenders is the based on an idea from actor Masi Oka about players of an MMORPG game who are all drawn together for a real-life adventure. According to Caruso, he won't be directing the film, but will be producing. Marti Noxon, who used to write for Buffy The Vampire Slayer and was one of the co-writers of I Am Number Four, is currently writing the script.

Next up, The Art of Making Money, a story that surfaced in October 2009, would star Chris Pine in a true story drama about Art Williams, a Chicago counterfeiter. Sadly, it may be a while until we still this one come to fruition due to Pine's huge number of other commitments. "The problem, and Chris is not a problem," Caruso said, "Chris has to do the Jack Ryan before he does Star Trek, so all of a sudden Chris Pine is going to be off the market." The director says that they are also still working on the script, so it will still be a while.

Sadly, the news about Caruso's adaptation of the much beloved Y: The Last Man isn't positive either. The oldest of Caruso's proposed projects, having been on his radar since July 2007, the director is sad to say that the project, for him, "is pretty much dead." Said Caruso, "I got where I did as far as I did with New Line and Warners. It�s just, unfortunately, not going to work out."

Lastly is the potential for a sequel to his newest film. Based on a series of books by James Frey and Jobie Hughes, the second novel of the six book series, The Power of Six, is currently being written, but whether or not there's a film adaptation depends entirely on the audience. When asked if he could see himself returning for a sequel, Caruso said,

"Yeah, definitely. I think if the audience enjoys the movie and they respond the way we hope they respond, have as much fun seeing it as we did making it, then I would definitely come back. For sure."

I Am Number Four will be released on February 18. For more about the film head on over to our Blend Film Database.

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It almost makes me want to spend £9.50 in Waterstones by skittledog

bench craft company

Obama to Push for Less Restrictive Trade with Russia; Expedited <b>...</b>

Fox News has learned that President Obama will call on Congress to support a permanent normal trade relations status with Russia and that his U.S. trade ambassador will tell Congress Wednesday the White House will intensify efforts this ...

Fox <b>News</b> Calls Bulletstorm the Worst Videogame in the World

Fox News pundit claims that "increase in rapes" is due largely to videogames.

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

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It almost makes me want to spend £9.50 in Waterstones by skittledog

bench craft company

Obama to Push for Less Restrictive Trade with Russia; Expedited <b>...</b>

Fox News has learned that President Obama will call on Congress to support a permanent normal trade relations status with Russia and that his U.S. trade ambassador will tell Congress Wednesday the White House will intensify efforts this ...

Fox <b>News</b> Calls Bulletstorm the Worst Videogame in the World

Fox News pundit claims that "increase in rapes" is due largely to videogames.

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

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Obama to Push for Less Restrictive Trade with Russia; Expedited <b>...</b>

Fox News has learned that President Obama will call on Congress to support a permanent normal trade relations status with Russia and that his U.S. trade ambassador will tell Congress Wednesday the White House will intensify efforts this ...

Fox <b>News</b> Calls Bulletstorm the Worst Videogame in the World

Fox News pundit claims that "increase in rapes" is due largely to videogames.

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

bench craft company

Obama to Push for Less Restrictive Trade with Russia; Expedited <b>...</b>

Fox News has learned that President Obama will call on Congress to support a permanent normal trade relations status with Russia and that his U.S. trade ambassador will tell Congress Wednesday the White House will intensify efforts this ...

Fox <b>News</b> Calls Bulletstorm the Worst Videogame in the World

Fox News pundit claims that "increase in rapes" is due largely to videogames.

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

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bench craft company

It almost makes me want to spend £9.50 in Waterstones by skittledog

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bench craft company

Obama to Push for Less Restrictive Trade with Russia; Expedited <b>...</b>

Fox News has learned that President Obama will call on Congress to support a permanent normal trade relations status with Russia and that his U.S. trade ambassador will tell Congress Wednesday the White House will intensify efforts this ...

Fox <b>News</b> Calls Bulletstorm the Worst Videogame in the World

Fox News pundit claims that "increase in rapes" is due largely to videogames.

Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video) | iLounge <b>News</b>

iLounge news discussing the Verizon iPhone 4 antenna problems persist (video). Find more iPhone news from leading independent iPod, iPhone, and iPad site.

bench craft company

Making money with a newspaper clipping service may seem to be a strange way to make extra money, but it can and is being done, and starting your own clipping service to make that extra money is easier than you think.

All it takes is a few hours a day, a few supplies, a little patience and you're in business. To help you start this business, I'm going to give you a few tips on where to begin, and the list of supplies you will need. The hours and patients will have to come from you.

Newspaper clipping is nothing new. It's been around for years now, but as long as the newspapers and magazines continue to report news and information on businesses, organizations and individuals , there will be a need to provide this service.

Some people do this as a full-time job, but how far you take this will depend solely on you. Making extra money doing this part-time is easy, but making a full-time income from a clipping service will take a lot of time and effort.

I've listed step by step instructions on the supplies you will need, the type of news clippings to look for, and how to look for buyers.

What Type Of Articles To Look For

The news clippings you want to focus on are the ones that have any exciting or unusual news about businesses, organizations and individuals. The news could be about awards received or given, notable achievements, acts of heroism, contracts received, good deeds done in the community, advertising, promotion of product lines from competitors, birth announcements, wedding and engagement announcements and even deaths.

You can also check out articles about sports figures, locally and nationally. Any news clipping you can find on a popular sports figure would be of interest to him or her. They also have a desire to know what the newspapers and magazines are saying about them.

Well, they all have an interest in knowing what is being printed about them. The businesses and organizations are particularly interested in their "public image," and so do the sports figures, so any articles featuring the items mentioned above are candidates for clipping.

Don't forget articles about retail stores, whose competitors are interested in what they are promoting, selling or where they are building expansions. Individuals who are having babies, getting married or getting divorced are also good candidates, and unfortunately, the same goes for deaths.

Supplies You Will Need For Your Newspaper Clipping Service

• Scissors
• Clear Plastic Sheets (To hold your articles)
• Filing Box (Large enough to hold your articles)
• Envelopes
• Book of Stamps
• Printer Paper
• Laminating Machine (Optional)
• Laminating Pouches (Optional)
• Lots of Local and National Newspapers and Magazines

How To Contact Companies And Individuals About News Clippings

When you have compiled quite a few clippings and have them all organized in your filing box, now is the time to start making money with your newspaper clipping service.

For any local companies and organizations, you can find their addresses in the local directory or on line. Individual addresses for anyone getting married, divorced, having babies or deaths can be found on line, at your local court house, listed under public records. If you want to contact a company on a national level, you should be able to find them on line.

All you have to do is write them a letter (envelopes, stamps, printer paper), and explain that you have news clippings about their company, or wedding, or what ever the occasion might be, and ask them if they are interested in purchasing them. Let them know how many clippings you have, and what each clipping is about.

If you want to, you can even send them a copy of one of the clippings. This way they get to see what they will be receiving. This is also why I suggested a laminating machine. Instead of sending them a copy of the clipping inside one of the clear plastic page holders, you can laminate the copy and make it look more professional. The same would go for any wedding announcements and obituaries.

When you send your letter, also quote the price you are asking for each article. If you have different size articles, charge according to size... with the larger clippings costing more. I'll leave the pricing to you.

But I will tell you that when my mother died, I received a beautiful laminated obituary of her death, that had been copied onto a sheet of pink printer paper the size of your remote control, and decorated with a picture of a cross and lilies at the top. This person was asking $5 dollars for each, and I ordered five.

What Not To Do In Your Newspaper Clipping Service

Be very careful about the news clippings you clip from newspapers and magazines, especially magazines. You don't want to clip anything that is copyrighted, and a lot of the magazine articles are copyrighted. However, you can still find some that aren't, so don't despair.

The same goes for newspapers. Don't clip anything with UP/AP or other codes (United Press or Associated Press). Also be aware that all syndicated features and cartoons are copyrighted. Don't even bother clipping these, because no one will purchase clippings if you have stolen someone's copyright.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

surface encounters

Keith Olbermann is Current TV&#39;s new Chief <b>News</b> Officer - From <b>...</b>

Greetings from Keith Olbermann, Chief News Officer of Current Media! And awayyyyyy we go! #FOK.”

Small Business <b>News</b>: Marketing Your Online Business Like Arianna <b>...</b>

With the announcement today that online media giant AOL will buy the Huffington Post for $315 million from entrepreneur and founder Arianna Huffington, online.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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D.C. Universe Online MMO Log Part One: Making A Name For Myself — And Another

As a boy my paper route money went to comic books, stories of people coming to terms with their strange powers and their place in the world. With D.C. Universe Online, I now take that journey for myself.

Kotaku's MMO reviews are a multi-part process. Rather than deliver day one reviews based on beta gameplay, we play the game for four weeks before issuing our final verdict. Once a week we deliver a log detailing when and how we played the game. We believe this gives readers a frame of reference for the final review. Since MMO titles support many different types of play, readers can compare our experiences to theirs to determine what the review means to them.

I am a complete novice at massively multiplayer online role-playing games. Fahey is normally our man on the subject. But as D.C. Universe Online is a rarity - the console-based MMO - many will experience the genre for the first time with it on the PlayStation 3. I will be one of them, and that journey will be a part of Kotaku's review of the game.

Having never done an MMO log before, I'm going to begin with a summary of my first experiences in D.C. Universe Online, figuring that a lot of what I consider profound early on might be made moot by later experience. In subsequent weeks I'll go through my experiences in a more journaled format.

What I Played

D.C. Universe Online may intrigue some because of how, as a complex MMO, it will be handled using the tools of a traditional console. For me, anything is going to be new, but everything here was undertaken with a standard PS3 DualShock controller - no USB keyboard or other peripherals.

Powers and talents are therefore mapped to the face and R1/L1 buttons with the L2/R2 buttons as modifiers. L2 activates one of four powers out of the left side of your "tray" in the heads up display; R2 equips items such as health out of the right four slots of the tray. The D-pad is used for chat, gestures and canned interaction (lacking a chatpad this week, I kept quiet, or bowed and waved to folks).

I focused my first two days of gameplay (Monday and Tuesday) on indvidual experiences, developing additional powers and understanding what I could do, what I couldn't do, and what was inadvisible in this world. More complex, cooperative engagements such as group raids would come later, I decided, after I'd built a methodology for the combat system and a set of attributes and powers supporting it.

As of the time of writing, I've finished more than 30 missions, solo completing two quests (if the tutorial counts, three) plus several side missions that were built to introduce players to Metropolis. I'm a level 10 metahuman, with a smirk and a compound bow. I run like lightning and burn like fire. Name's Ballisto.

How It Went

My original name was Lawn Dart. About six levels in, I learned one of the hard truths about MMO character creation - pick a name you can live with. I slapped "Lawn Dart" on my Flash/Green Arrow hybrid ("not Lawn Dart Lad?" asked McWhertor) expecting to take an ironic tour of duty for truth, justice, and cookouts. Instead I took a real pride in what my hero was doing, and elected to just start all over, redoing the first quest in the process. You can't rename a character, but there seemed to be no restriction on creating more than one.

The quick rundown: as Ballisto, I'm a hero (players may choose to be villains). My means of travel is lightning speed (flight and acrobatics are the others.) Fire is my power type (the others are ice, gadgets, mental, sorcery and nature) and I'm a metahuman, which means someone whose power comes from a mutation or alteration. Other types are tech (getting their powers from gadgets) or magic (mystical beings).

The tutorial stage, which many of you have played thanks to the game's pre-release beta, introduces you to the combat system of an action MMO. I don't think it can be failed, but I didn't try to, either. Superman and I cleaned out a space station crawling with Brainiac's mechanized trashcans, and then it was on to Earth.

It wasn't apparent to me in what order I should be doing things, so I just jumped right into action after being introduced to the police station, a base of operations where everyone trades in loot, picks up missions and shows off for the other players. For herose, the first quest - Gorilla Grodd's assault on the Metropolis boardwalk and downtown financial sector - comprises a meaty 10-plus missions, taking me to level 6 by its conclusion.

D.C. Universe Online points out that its progression is built on the completion of missions, not leveling, meant to reduce grind. I still found that the missions in the Grodd quest and the Queen Bee quest following it had their own types of grind - go here, kill this many bad guys, smash this many assets.

At peak hours in the early missions, you would be competing with many other players trying to bag the same 10 Gorilla Lieutenants or Royal Bees or whatever. There's usually a race to the unique character type you need to kill and then a fury of button-mashing, hoping to bring him down. I wasn't sure how someone got credit for a kill, whether it was landing the last punch or what.Monday evening I hit some pretty nasty lag and decided to come back later. Tuesday at the same time the issues were gone.

At the end of the Grodd quest I met the Flash, a treasured boyhood hero. All of the D.C. Universe characters I've encountered are well voiced, but Flash especially so. I left that mission looking forward to more. In the Queen Bee quest's final interior stage I learned that I could tackle the objectives with a measure of stealth (or speed) rather than overcoming every guard and then activating the objective behind him.

Not so for the Queen herself, who was unusually tough on me, but I was fighting at least one level underweight. So there were a lot of "knock outs" (as opposed to deaths) which, in a boss's case, starts the battle over rather than saving your progress on your enemies as in other missions.

By the end of the second quest I hadn't pursued the easy sightseeing quests offered in the police station, which give load you up with XP toward one or two skill and power points, plus gear. I mopped those missions after beating Zazzala. It could be my lack of exposure to the genre but I didn't feel a strong sense of "You should do this now," in the game. Experienced players probably pick up the cues more, so the hands-off approach is likely a virtue.

One thing I didn't appreciate is the game's radar, which would occasionally fail to materialize waypoints in the explorations. This led to some pretty frustrating wanderings around the Watchtower, especially. The Grodd campaign likewise didn't do a good job of pointing me over to the pier, which is where I was supposed to smash some gorilla teleporters. I took care of that long after I finished the overal quest, just for laughs.

Other pastimes included two speedster races outside the police station (I assume flight/acrobatic races are available for those types), a trip to the Vault (sort of booby-prize warehouse you can visit once a day for free random gear) and a visit to the PvP Legends arena to fight as Robin against Harley Quinn. I got my ass kicked badly there.

Ballisto/Owen Meets She-Ra, Gives Her (Him?) The Creeps

"I've never made out with him," Lauren Leto told me last week, between puffs of a Parliament Light. The 24-year old brunette, rocking a little black dress and flat boots, was debunking my suspicions that she might be romancing her notoriously cute business partner, Patrick Moberg, the talented artist perhaps best known for making the website in 2008.

Leto and Moberg recently launched the well-funded start-up BNTER, a site that stores the best conversations between users and their friends. BNTER comes on the heels of Leto's big Internet hit,, the website that earned her two book contracts, a TV deal, and, reportedly, lots of money. But back to girl talk: "It's the same with [Texts co-founder] Ben [Bator]," she explained. "I picked such attractive co-founders, people assume we must all be dating. But, no, no, no. We're co-employees! And the thing people don't understand is that when you're, like, writing checks with someone — when money is involved — you become so sexually unattractive to that person." She exhaled. "This is why I can never get married."

Leto was smoking outside an East Village apartment playing host to the Silicon Alley version of a singles mixer — a meet-up for users of, the dating website Brian Schechter co-founded on Valentine's Day in 2010. Users suggest date ideas or contact people whose ideas they like. "How about we go to an underground supper club?" was among the site's most popular date ideas during its first year, so Andy and Ashley — a couple who met on How About We — decided to throw the soiree, and Apt. No. 4, a traveling group of foodie friends, worked the kitchen, supplying lobster bisque and teriyaki char and drinks. Leto was a featured single on How About We this month: She answered every question with a quote from the Kelis song "Bossy"; she said she was at the party to support Schechter and not necessarily to find a man.

Nick Gray, the quick-witted Williamsburg party boy, would have it otherwise, though. "Lauren and I haven't dated yet, but I'm trying," he told us. When Leto offered no reply, Gray joked, "Awkward ..."

How About We's Schechter, meanwhile, admitted that online dating might always carry a stigma: "People say [the stigma's] decreasing, and soon there won't be any," he told us. "But when you go onto an online dating site, in some way you're confessing, 'I don't have what I want,' which is not necessarily an attractive thing. People tend to find someone attractive who has what they want. So I wonder if it's actually a psychological or cultural or almost biological thing: 'I want the one who doesn't need.'" He added: "I do think it will become increasingly normal. It's efficient. And a site that's about having fun and not confessing, necessarily, that you don't have something you want, is more likely to attract people. You're just saying, 'I want to try new restaurants!' Etcetera." Schechter has a girlfriend who he didn't meet over the Internet, but he said he still gets several e-mails a day with the subject line "How about we ...?"

Gray is one fan of the site who hasn't had much success on it yet: "I think my date ideas are intimidating to some people," he told us. "I used to think that I was a real catch, and now I've only had three people who wanted to go on my dates. Some people write, 'How about we get high and eat pizza?' and they get, like, one hundred people interested. And I write, 'Let's go to Rio for New Year's Eve!' Or, 'Let's go to Greece and open a falafel stand!' And people are like, 'Eh. Weirdo.'"

Leto claims she doesn't send many late-night texts of her own anymore because she gets up at six every morning, "so nervous" that something might have happened overnight. Telling us she still "lives poorly," she admitted she recently got an apartment of her own in Brooklyn. "I bought furniture, and I'm an adult," she added. But of dating in New York, Leto lamented: "Everyone wants something from you."

What she wanted from me, at least half-seriously, was less attention. At one point, she pretended to have stolen my tape recorder so that I couldn't report on her any further. And when I asked too many questions, she said: "This is going to seem like navel-gazing for myself. No navel-gazing allowed!" But she's just so good at all this, I informed her, as at least half the men at the party tracked her across the room. On cue, with a seemingly legitimate confusion, she asked, "Good at what?"

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Repatriation of ailing Filipino woman sought - Arab <b>News</b>

Arab News contacted on Saturday the embassy official concerned with the case but he did not answer the call. “We specifically requested that aside from providing her medical care, the embassy should also arrange her immediate ...

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/6/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

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D.C. Universe Online MMO Log Part One: Making A Name For Myself — And Another

As a boy my paper route money went to comic books, stories of people coming to terms with their strange powers and their place in the world. With D.C. Universe Online, I now take that journey for myself.

Kotaku's MMO reviews are a multi-part process. Rather than deliver day one reviews based on beta gameplay, we play the game for four weeks before issuing our final verdict. Once a week we deliver a log detailing when and how we played the game. We believe this gives readers a frame of reference for the final review. Since MMO titles support many different types of play, readers can compare our experiences to theirs to determine what the review means to them.

I am a complete novice at massively multiplayer online role-playing games. Fahey is normally our man on the subject. But as D.C. Universe Online is a rarity - the console-based MMO - many will experience the genre for the first time with it on the PlayStation 3. I will be one of them, and that journey will be a part of Kotaku's review of the game.

Having never done an MMO log before, I'm going to begin with a summary of my first experiences in D.C. Universe Online, figuring that a lot of what I consider profound early on might be made moot by later experience. In subsequent weeks I'll go through my experiences in a more journaled format.

What I Played

D.C. Universe Online may intrigue some because of how, as a complex MMO, it will be handled using the tools of a traditional console. For me, anything is going to be new, but everything here was undertaken with a standard PS3 DualShock controller - no USB keyboard or other peripherals.

Powers and talents are therefore mapped to the face and R1/L1 buttons with the L2/R2 buttons as modifiers. L2 activates one of four powers out of the left side of your "tray" in the heads up display; R2 equips items such as health out of the right four slots of the tray. The D-pad is used for chat, gestures and canned interaction (lacking a chatpad this week, I kept quiet, or bowed and waved to folks).

I focused my first two days of gameplay (Monday and Tuesday) on indvidual experiences, developing additional powers and understanding what I could do, what I couldn't do, and what was inadvisible in this world. More complex, cooperative engagements such as group raids would come later, I decided, after I'd built a methodology for the combat system and a set of attributes and powers supporting it.

As of the time of writing, I've finished more than 30 missions, solo completing two quests (if the tutorial counts, three) plus several side missions that were built to introduce players to Metropolis. I'm a level 10 metahuman, with a smirk and a compound bow. I run like lightning and burn like fire. Name's Ballisto.

How It Went

My original name was Lawn Dart. About six levels in, I learned one of the hard truths about MMO character creation - pick a name you can live with. I slapped "Lawn Dart" on my Flash/Green Arrow hybrid ("not Lawn Dart Lad?" asked McWhertor) expecting to take an ironic tour of duty for truth, justice, and cookouts. Instead I took a real pride in what my hero was doing, and elected to just start all over, redoing the first quest in the process. You can't rename a character, but there seemed to be no restriction on creating more than one.

The quick rundown: as Ballisto, I'm a hero (players may choose to be villains). My means of travel is lightning speed (flight and acrobatics are the others.) Fire is my power type (the others are ice, gadgets, mental, sorcery and nature) and I'm a metahuman, which means someone whose power comes from a mutation or alteration. Other types are tech (getting their powers from gadgets) or magic (mystical beings).

The tutorial stage, which many of you have played thanks to the game's pre-release beta, introduces you to the combat system of an action MMO. I don't think it can be failed, but I didn't try to, either. Superman and I cleaned out a space station crawling with Brainiac's mechanized trashcans, and then it was on to Earth.

It wasn't apparent to me in what order I should be doing things, so I just jumped right into action after being introduced to the police station, a base of operations where everyone trades in loot, picks up missions and shows off for the other players. For herose, the first quest - Gorilla Grodd's assault on the Metropolis boardwalk and downtown financial sector - comprises a meaty 10-plus missions, taking me to level 6 by its conclusion.

D.C. Universe Online points out that its progression is built on the completion of missions, not leveling, meant to reduce grind. I still found that the missions in the Grodd quest and the Queen Bee quest following it had their own types of grind - go here, kill this many bad guys, smash this many assets.

At peak hours in the early missions, you would be competing with many other players trying to bag the same 10 Gorilla Lieutenants or Royal Bees or whatever. There's usually a race to the unique character type you need to kill and then a fury of button-mashing, hoping to bring him down. I wasn't sure how someone got credit for a kill, whether it was landing the last punch or what.Monday evening I hit some pretty nasty lag and decided to come back later. Tuesday at the same time the issues were gone.

At the end of the Grodd quest I met the Flash, a treasured boyhood hero. All of the D.C. Universe characters I've encountered are well voiced, but Flash especially so. I left that mission looking forward to more. In the Queen Bee quest's final interior stage I learned that I could tackle the objectives with a measure of stealth (or speed) rather than overcoming every guard and then activating the objective behind him.

Not so for the Queen herself, who was unusually tough on me, but I was fighting at least one level underweight. So there were a lot of "knock outs" (as opposed to deaths) which, in a boss's case, starts the battle over rather than saving your progress on your enemies as in other missions.

By the end of the second quest I hadn't pursued the easy sightseeing quests offered in the police station, which give load you up with XP toward one or two skill and power points, plus gear. I mopped those missions after beating Zazzala. It could be my lack of exposure to the genre but I didn't feel a strong sense of "You should do this now," in the game. Experienced players probably pick up the cues more, so the hands-off approach is likely a virtue.

One thing I didn't appreciate is the game's radar, which would occasionally fail to materialize waypoints in the explorations. This led to some pretty frustrating wanderings around the Watchtower, especially. The Grodd campaign likewise didn't do a good job of pointing me over to the pier, which is where I was supposed to smash some gorilla teleporters. I took care of that long after I finished the overal quest, just for laughs.

Other pastimes included two speedster races outside the police station (I assume flight/acrobatic races are available for those types), a trip to the Vault (sort of booby-prize warehouse you can visit once a day for free random gear) and a visit to the PvP Legends arena to fight as Robin against Harley Quinn. I got my ass kicked badly there.

Ballisto/Owen Meets She-Ra, Gives Her (Him?) The Creeps

"I've never made out with him," Lauren Leto told me last week, between puffs of a Parliament Light. The 24-year old brunette, rocking a little black dress and flat boots, was debunking my suspicions that she might be romancing her notoriously cute business partner, Patrick Moberg, the talented artist perhaps best known for making the website in 2008.

Leto and Moberg recently launched the well-funded start-up BNTER, a site that stores the best conversations between users and their friends. BNTER comes on the heels of Leto's big Internet hit,, the website that earned her two book contracts, a TV deal, and, reportedly, lots of money. But back to girl talk: "It's the same with [Texts co-founder] Ben [Bator]," she explained. "I picked such attractive co-founders, people assume we must all be dating. But, no, no, no. We're co-employees! And the thing people don't understand is that when you're, like, writing checks with someone — when money is involved — you become so sexually unattractive to that person." She exhaled. "This is why I can never get married."

Leto was smoking outside an East Village apartment playing host to the Silicon Alley version of a singles mixer — a meet-up for users of, the dating website Brian Schechter co-founded on Valentine's Day in 2010. Users suggest date ideas or contact people whose ideas they like. "How about we go to an underground supper club?" was among the site's most popular date ideas during its first year, so Andy and Ashley — a couple who met on How About We — decided to throw the soiree, and Apt. No. 4, a traveling group of foodie friends, worked the kitchen, supplying lobster bisque and teriyaki char and drinks. Leto was a featured single on How About We this month: She answered every question with a quote from the Kelis song "Bossy"; she said she was at the party to support Schechter and not necessarily to find a man.

Nick Gray, the quick-witted Williamsburg party boy, would have it otherwise, though. "Lauren and I haven't dated yet, but I'm trying," he told us. When Leto offered no reply, Gray joked, "Awkward ..."

How About We's Schechter, meanwhile, admitted that online dating might always carry a stigma: "People say [the stigma's] decreasing, and soon there won't be any," he told us. "But when you go onto an online dating site, in some way you're confessing, 'I don't have what I want,' which is not necessarily an attractive thing. People tend to find someone attractive who has what they want. So I wonder if it's actually a psychological or cultural or almost biological thing: 'I want the one who doesn't need.'" He added: "I do think it will become increasingly normal. It's efficient. And a site that's about having fun and not confessing, necessarily, that you don't have something you want, is more likely to attract people. You're just saying, 'I want to try new restaurants!' Etcetera." Schechter has a girlfriend who he didn't meet over the Internet, but he said he still gets several e-mails a day with the subject line "How about we ...?"

Gray is one fan of the site who hasn't had much success on it yet: "I think my date ideas are intimidating to some people," he told us. "I used to think that I was a real catch, and now I've only had three people who wanted to go on my dates. Some people write, 'How about we get high and eat pizza?' and they get, like, one hundred people interested. And I write, 'Let's go to Rio for New Year's Eve!' Or, 'Let's go to Greece and open a falafel stand!' And people are like, 'Eh. Weirdo.'"

Leto claims she doesn't send many late-night texts of her own anymore because she gets up at six every morning, "so nervous" that something might have happened overnight. Telling us she still "lives poorly," she admitted she recently got an apartment of her own in Brooklyn. "I bought furniture, and I'm an adult," she added. But of dating in New York, Leto lamented: "Everyone wants something from you."

What she wanted from me, at least half-seriously, was less attention. At one point, she pretended to have stolen my tape recorder so that I couldn't report on her any further. And when I asked too many questions, she said: "This is going to seem like navel-gazing for myself. No navel-gazing allowed!" But she's just so good at all this, I informed her, as at least half the men at the party tracked her across the room. On cue, with a seemingly legitimate confusion, she asked, "Good at what?"

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Repatriation of ailing Filipino woman sought - Arab <b>News</b>

Arab News contacted on Saturday the embassy official concerned with the case but he did not answer the call. “We specifically requested that aside from providing her medical care, the embassy should also arrange her immediate ...

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/6/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

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benchcraft company portland or

Repatriation of ailing Filipino woman sought - Arab <b>News</b>

Arab News contacted on Saturday the embassy official concerned with the case but he did not answer the call. “We specifically requested that aside from providing her medical care, the embassy should also arrange her immediate ...

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/6/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

benchcraft company portland or

D.C. Universe Online MMO Log Part One: Making A Name For Myself — And Another

As a boy my paper route money went to comic books, stories of people coming to terms with their strange powers and their place in the world. With D.C. Universe Online, I now take that journey for myself.

Kotaku's MMO reviews are a multi-part process. Rather than deliver day one reviews based on beta gameplay, we play the game for four weeks before issuing our final verdict. Once a week we deliver a log detailing when and how we played the game. We believe this gives readers a frame of reference for the final review. Since MMO titles support many different types of play, readers can compare our experiences to theirs to determine what the review means to them.

I am a complete novice at massively multiplayer online role-playing games. Fahey is normally our man on the subject. But as D.C. Universe Online is a rarity - the console-based MMO - many will experience the genre for the first time with it on the PlayStation 3. I will be one of them, and that journey will be a part of Kotaku's review of the game.

Having never done an MMO log before, I'm going to begin with a summary of my first experiences in D.C. Universe Online, figuring that a lot of what I consider profound early on might be made moot by later experience. In subsequent weeks I'll go through my experiences in a more journaled format.

What I Played

D.C. Universe Online may intrigue some because of how, as a complex MMO, it will be handled using the tools of a traditional console. For me, anything is going to be new, but everything here was undertaken with a standard PS3 DualShock controller - no USB keyboard or other peripherals.

Powers and talents are therefore mapped to the face and R1/L1 buttons with the L2/R2 buttons as modifiers. L2 activates one of four powers out of the left side of your "tray" in the heads up display; R2 equips items such as health out of the right four slots of the tray. The D-pad is used for chat, gestures and canned interaction (lacking a chatpad this week, I kept quiet, or bowed and waved to folks).

I focused my first two days of gameplay (Monday and Tuesday) on indvidual experiences, developing additional powers and understanding what I could do, what I couldn't do, and what was inadvisible in this world. More complex, cooperative engagements such as group raids would come later, I decided, after I'd built a methodology for the combat system and a set of attributes and powers supporting it.

As of the time of writing, I've finished more than 30 missions, solo completing two quests (if the tutorial counts, three) plus several side missions that were built to introduce players to Metropolis. I'm a level 10 metahuman, with a smirk and a compound bow. I run like lightning and burn like fire. Name's Ballisto.

How It Went

My original name was Lawn Dart. About six levels in, I learned one of the hard truths about MMO character creation - pick a name you can live with. I slapped "Lawn Dart" on my Flash/Green Arrow hybrid ("not Lawn Dart Lad?" asked McWhertor) expecting to take an ironic tour of duty for truth, justice, and cookouts. Instead I took a real pride in what my hero was doing, and elected to just start all over, redoing the first quest in the process. You can't rename a character, but there seemed to be no restriction on creating more than one.

The quick rundown: as Ballisto, I'm a hero (players may choose to be villains). My means of travel is lightning speed (flight and acrobatics are the others.) Fire is my power type (the others are ice, gadgets, mental, sorcery and nature) and I'm a metahuman, which means someone whose power comes from a mutation or alteration. Other types are tech (getting their powers from gadgets) or magic (mystical beings).

The tutorial stage, which many of you have played thanks to the game's pre-release beta, introduces you to the combat system of an action MMO. I don't think it can be failed, but I didn't try to, either. Superman and I cleaned out a space station crawling with Brainiac's mechanized trashcans, and then it was on to Earth.

It wasn't apparent to me in what order I should be doing things, so I just jumped right into action after being introduced to the police station, a base of operations where everyone trades in loot, picks up missions and shows off for the other players. For herose, the first quest - Gorilla Grodd's assault on the Metropolis boardwalk and downtown financial sector - comprises a meaty 10-plus missions, taking me to level 6 by its conclusion.

D.C. Universe Online points out that its progression is built on the completion of missions, not leveling, meant to reduce grind. I still found that the missions in the Grodd quest and the Queen Bee quest following it had their own types of grind - go here, kill this many bad guys, smash this many assets.

At peak hours in the early missions, you would be competing with many other players trying to bag the same 10 Gorilla Lieutenants or Royal Bees or whatever. There's usually a race to the unique character type you need to kill and then a fury of button-mashing, hoping to bring him down. I wasn't sure how someone got credit for a kill, whether it was landing the last punch or what.Monday evening I hit some pretty nasty lag and decided to come back later. Tuesday at the same time the issues were gone.

At the end of the Grodd quest I met the Flash, a treasured boyhood hero. All of the D.C. Universe characters I've encountered are well voiced, but Flash especially so. I left that mission looking forward to more. In the Queen Bee quest's final interior stage I learned that I could tackle the objectives with a measure of stealth (or speed) rather than overcoming every guard and then activating the objective behind him.

Not so for the Queen herself, who was unusually tough on me, but I was fighting at least one level underweight. So there were a lot of "knock outs" (as opposed to deaths) which, in a boss's case, starts the battle over rather than saving your progress on your enemies as in other missions.

By the end of the second quest I hadn't pursued the easy sightseeing quests offered in the police station, which give load you up with XP toward one or two skill and power points, plus gear. I mopped those missions after beating Zazzala. It could be my lack of exposure to the genre but I didn't feel a strong sense of "You should do this now," in the game. Experienced players probably pick up the cues more, so the hands-off approach is likely a virtue.

One thing I didn't appreciate is the game's radar, which would occasionally fail to materialize waypoints in the explorations. This led to some pretty frustrating wanderings around the Watchtower, especially. The Grodd campaign likewise didn't do a good job of pointing me over to the pier, which is where I was supposed to smash some gorilla teleporters. I took care of that long after I finished the overal quest, just for laughs.

Other pastimes included two speedster races outside the police station (I assume flight/acrobatic races are available for those types), a trip to the Vault (sort of booby-prize warehouse you can visit once a day for free random gear) and a visit to the PvP Legends arena to fight as Robin against Harley Quinn. I got my ass kicked badly there.

Ballisto/Owen Meets She-Ra, Gives Her (Him?) The Creeps

"I've never made out with him," Lauren Leto told me last week, between puffs of a Parliament Light. The 24-year old brunette, rocking a little black dress and flat boots, was debunking my suspicions that she might be romancing her notoriously cute business partner, Patrick Moberg, the talented artist perhaps best known for making the website in 2008.

Leto and Moberg recently launched the well-funded start-up BNTER, a site that stores the best conversations between users and their friends. BNTER comes on the heels of Leto's big Internet hit,, the website that earned her two book contracts, a TV deal, and, reportedly, lots of money. But back to girl talk: "It's the same with [Texts co-founder] Ben [Bator]," she explained. "I picked such attractive co-founders, people assume we must all be dating. But, no, no, no. We're co-employees! And the thing people don't understand is that when you're, like, writing checks with someone — when money is involved — you become so sexually unattractive to that person." She exhaled. "This is why I can never get married."

Leto was smoking outside an East Village apartment playing host to the Silicon Alley version of a singles mixer — a meet-up for users of, the dating website Brian Schechter co-founded on Valentine's Day in 2010. Users suggest date ideas or contact people whose ideas they like. "How about we go to an underground supper club?" was among the site's most popular date ideas during its first year, so Andy and Ashley — a couple who met on How About We — decided to throw the soiree, and Apt. No. 4, a traveling group of foodie friends, worked the kitchen, supplying lobster bisque and teriyaki char and drinks. Leto was a featured single on How About We this month: She answered every question with a quote from the Kelis song "Bossy"; she said she was at the party to support Schechter and not necessarily to find a man.

Nick Gray, the quick-witted Williamsburg party boy, would have it otherwise, though. "Lauren and I haven't dated yet, but I'm trying," he told us. When Leto offered no reply, Gray joked, "Awkward ..."

How About We's Schechter, meanwhile, admitted that online dating might always carry a stigma: "People say [the stigma's] decreasing, and soon there won't be any," he told us. "But when you go onto an online dating site, in some way you're confessing, 'I don't have what I want,' which is not necessarily an attractive thing. People tend to find someone attractive who has what they want. So I wonder if it's actually a psychological or cultural or almost biological thing: 'I want the one who doesn't need.'" He added: "I do think it will become increasingly normal. It's efficient. And a site that's about having fun and not confessing, necessarily, that you don't have something you want, is more likely to attract people. You're just saying, 'I want to try new restaurants!' Etcetera." Schechter has a girlfriend who he didn't meet over the Internet, but he said he still gets several e-mails a day with the subject line "How about we ...?"

Gray is one fan of the site who hasn't had much success on it yet: "I think my date ideas are intimidating to some people," he told us. "I used to think that I was a real catch, and now I've only had three people who wanted to go on my dates. Some people write, 'How about we get high and eat pizza?' and they get, like, one hundred people interested. And I write, 'Let's go to Rio for New Year's Eve!' Or, 'Let's go to Greece and open a falafel stand!' And people are like, 'Eh. Weirdo.'"

Leto claims she doesn't send many late-night texts of her own anymore because she gets up at six every morning, "so nervous" that something might have happened overnight. Telling us she still "lives poorly," she admitted she recently got an apartment of her own in Brooklyn. "I bought furniture, and I'm an adult," she added. But of dating in New York, Leto lamented: "Everyone wants something from you."

What she wanted from me, at least half-seriously, was less attention. At one point, she pretended to have stolen my tape recorder so that I couldn't report on her any further. And when I asked too many questions, she said: "This is going to seem like navel-gazing for myself. No navel-gazing allowed!" But she's just so good at all this, I informed her, as at least half the men at the party tracked her across the room. On cue, with a seemingly legitimate confusion, she asked, "Good at what?"

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Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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Arab News contacted on Saturday the embassy official concerned with the case but he did not answer the call. “We specifically requested that aside from providing her medical care, the embassy should also arrange her immediate ...

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Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

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As more people start to use the internet everyday the opportunity to make money online with affiliate programs only becomes better and more lucrative. Every person online is a potential customer and hundreds of thousands of people log in to the internet every day, not to mention those who already use the internet daily. By putting these groups of people together you can imagine the the possibilities for affiliate programs are great. Although, you do have to look at making money with affiliate programs like the business that it is, in knowing that it's not going to come as easy as the numbers suggest.

There are some misconceptions involved when most people enter into affiliate programs without being schooled on the basic facts. This mostly stems from the advertising methods sometimes used by those who promote them. Some advertisers can make outlandish promises and make affiliate program profit seem so simple that you wonder why everybody isn't doing it. You'll give yourself a good chance of success if you understand that making money online with affiliate programs is not an effortless path to wealth and security. However, your financial goals can be achieved depending on your current situation. If you happen to be unhappy with your current career, then you should not overlook the opportunity that affiliate programs offer you.

Here are two steps that will help you make money online with affiliate programs.

Choose an affiliate program that links to a current interest of yours. By this, I means you should get started in an area that you are drawn to naturally, a subject that you know. The reason behind this is that the money you make in the beginning will be small, so promoting something you enjoy and love will perhaps give you the drive to push past the lean beginning stages until you reach a point where your affiliate sales are constant and you are profitable. When you make money with affiliate programs you are basically running your own home business. At the start of any business you can't expect to be in the profit right away. On the contrary, you will probably have to work long and hard at the beginning, and keep a budget along the way. These sacrifices might be something that cause you to give up on your business if it isn't something that you believe in. Your profits will pour in, sooner or later, from a labor of love.

Build a website with content related to your affiliate program. Building content sites is easy with the advent of blogs and squidoo lenses. They are an easy and organized means to adding content to a blank canvas of a website that you can customize with content and links to your affiliate sales page. The great this is that if you are unfamiliar with how to use and manipulate blogs and lenses for your own purposes, most sites that offer these free websites offer more than ample help to get you started. The content of your new site will be intricately related to the products and services you hope to sell. You will want to provide solid and honest information about your goods, and try to persuade your visitors that your products will be of benefit to them. With a well organized website, making money online with affiliate programs becomes a lot easier.

Michael Laleye Is A Plug In Profit Site Member As Well As An Authority On Developing Home Based Affiliate Businesses. Get more Information On How To Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs. For Affiliate Business Ideas To Make Money Online, Visit:

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Repatriation of ailing Filipino woman sought - Arab <b>News</b>

Arab News contacted on Saturday the embassy official concerned with the case but he did not answer the call. “We specifically requested that aside from providing her medical care, the embassy should also arrange her immediate ...

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/6/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

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Repatriation of ailing Filipino woman sought - Arab <b>News</b>

Arab News contacted on Saturday the embassy official concerned with the case but he did not answer the call. “We specifically requested that aside from providing her medical care, the embassy should also arrange her immediate ...

Bad <b>News</b>: New Book Probes Role of Press in Financial Crisis

Given that some economists still debate the root causes of the Great Depression, little wonder that a multitude of competing stories still vies for affirmation as explanation for the financial crisis of 2008.

Denver Broncos <b>News</b>: Horse Tracks - 2/6/11 - Mile High Report

Horse Tracks -- Your Daily Cup of Orange and Blue Coffee.

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